
Some of our packages are available on conda-forge:

To upload a new package, follow the instructions (longer version here):

# clone the fork
git clone{your-user}/staged-recipes
git checkout -b {package-name}
cd staged-recipes/recipes

# generate conda-forge recipe
conda create --name grayskull
conda activate grayskull
conda install -c conda-forge grayskull
grayskull pypi --strict-conda-forge {package-name}
  • Edit the meta.yaml, ensure you’re listed as maintainer

  • Note: there is no need to add the LICENSE file at staged-recipes/recipes/LICENSE (as their docs suggest) if the LICENSE is already in the .tar.gz file.

Adding version updates#

By default, PRs opened by the bot won’t detect version updates. To enable them, create a conda-forge.yml file in the path recipes/{package-name} and add this to the file:

  inspection: update-grayskull